Monday, March 22, 2010

retiring fabulous

So for the last hmmm... 2 years or so fabulous has been my favorite word. This may be longer actually?

Well for years it has frequented my vocabulary. I haven't done a daily count, but I would say it flowed freely out of my mouth out as I expressed myself and feelings. I would have called it my favorite word. Recently, however, this is not the case. I have adopted a new word

Like fabulous it:
*is fantastic to say,
*it is a positive describing word (adjective),
*it begins with an f and finally
*it is three syllables

If you haven't guess it already the word is... fantastic.

This word has been used recently because:

1) The weather outside has been so sunny and glorious,
3) April Verch came to town
4) My aunt, uncle, and three cousins will be here in 4 days
5) Herring season is here which means so are the whales

Things that are less fantastic:

1) I still haven't finished my taxes,
2) It is NOT spring break for grad school
3) I have to write a grant, scary!
4) And I have to work on job applications


BR said...

FANTASTIC! I can't wait to be with you SOON and hear about all the FANTASTIC things in your life. Feel free to tell me about the lesser - FABULOUS things going on as well!

Melanie said...

I'm glad you chose that instead of the other f words. :) I'm glad you were trying to be positive amidst all the un-fantastic things. I'm cheering for you!