Saturday, February 23, 2013

belly, baby and the sweetest doggy!

Well, my winter running has continued despite my lack of posts.  However, they have slowed.  Today I reached a new record slow speed of 59 mins. for a 5.2 mile run.  I think I am going to quit starting my watch when I go outside.  I used to, back just a few months ago, be able to run 3 additional miles in that amount of time.  I told Aaron today after the run if I hit the 60 minute mark I might quit, therefor the watch needs to come off.  Dad told me today I needed to give myself some grace. 

A lot has happened since my last post, we got a dog and I got a belly.  This Thursday I officially meet the 18 week, 4 month pregnancy mark!  Yes, those who thought this day would never come, it is official, I am pregnant!  Here is a picture that Aaron snapped of me hanging out with Puffin, whom is the best puppster this side of the Mississippi, (Harry and Pepe are the best dogs east of the Mississippi).  It was taken Thursday.  Puffin has been a great motivator for my snowy, windy, rainy and cold February runs.  Aaron has also been helpful.  Today when I was feeling under motivated he told me I could either a) go garage saling with him (yes, this is one of Aaron's favorite past times and no I have never joined him) or b) go for a run.  I haven't been to a garage sale since desperation struck nearly 6 years ago when I moved here and didn't have a bed, mattress or anything for that matter and Emily and I were forced to join the intense Sitka garage sale circuit, on bicycle... wild stories there!  My favorite was the lamp shade we tied to the back of Em's backpack.  By the time we got home, we had to put the lamp in the corner and turn the lamp shade around so the holes that were punctured in the shade wouldn't show. 

So, needless to say, run it was.  At least I guess you could call it that? 

Other people haven't, here are some quotes I heard this week from people who have seen me out "running":

1) "Mrs. Routon, I saw you out running yesterday.  Your dog runs slow!"

2) "So you're still out running huh?  Your not quite as quick as you used to be (awkward silence), your huh, steady though."

So now I am steady.  But we all know how the phrase goes, SLOW and steady. 

I know that it is just a season, I think I am realizing that my running speed is just a minor sacrifice of many sacrifices ahead.  I am grateful that I am still out and still able to go running.  I am grateful that I have an adorable puppy dog and amazing husband that will still go out with me and push through the elements.  So bring on this new season!