A basic veggi-licious stir fry being enjoyed with friends... no none of these veggis were local, but maybe this summer if Emily and I have more success with our garden... we are going to be a little more basic this year.
Sourdough bread, this is something that I have just dipped my fingers into... delicious, and easy. I used to bake cookies, now I still bake cookies, but I bread is climbing the charts.
Food, something designed for pleasure in a world of hurry up and go. Here in Sitka eating isn't rushed. I love that about this town, people cook and enjoy meals together all the time. One of my my roommate Em and I when we aren't busy climbing mountains can often times be found doing our other favorite thing: cooking together, and then of coarse, eating. We make beautiful, when I say beautiful I mean delicious meals all the time. I have been trying to capture some of my creations on camera so perhaps they will inspire others to to take time to stop, relax and enjoy good food with good friends...
Emily! hello friend. mmm..this looks great. I think you should give me the recipe.
I thought of you the other nite while sitting watching concert. one of the girls ws playing a fiddle..or some fiddley like instrument-she looked like you-could have been you-but she was here in nashville and you are not.
Looks amazing. Reminds me of Laughing Seeds bowl of deliciousness. Love you!
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