Sunday, May 1, 2011

husbandless, a poem

busy season?!

I guess Spring is the busy season,

at least it seems so for my husband!

who is a committed member of the Sitka high track coaching staff:

jumping coach,

8th season!

(His attention span is obviously longer than mine)

Last weekend he flew out to Ketchican for a track meet.

Right now he is in Juneau,

he ferried out on Wednesday afternoon
and I think he gets back today (it is Sunday),

it's hard to keep the dates straight,
cus' next weekend I'll do it again...

when the team ferries to Haines

and then the weekend after that when the teams is in Juneau for regions,
the dates and times tend to get all fuzzy after all that shuffle

Yes, Spring is the busy season,

at least for my husband!

He will miss Fairbanks for state
because the day after he gets back from regions
has to boat out to Biorka
he'll be there for work for 10 days

to teach school
in a little cedar schoolhouse.

Absolutely, Spring is the busiest season,

at least for one person whom I happen to know pretty well.


Marty Ross said...

Hi Em: Cool poem, keep it up! I wrote a poem, too, as follows:


The poem
slipped away
slipped out
like a rug
from under my feet
leaving me struggling
between the lines
and life
between the graceful
easy rhythm
of words
and the reality
of expression
one moment I was sure
and the next off
the poem slipped away
like a thief
stole off
like the last puff
of a dream
and it was dawn

Melanie said...

You're a poet,
I didn't know it.

Actually I did.
I think I've heard
one of your
songs before.


hapi said...

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