I am pretty sure that I write a "blob" (my grandfathers word for blog) on the topic of running regularly, though this is not entirely a blob about running, you will know this if you read the title.
I am also pretty sure that I have included these photos (above) on previous blobs, hopefully my audience, whoever you are out there in cyberland will either a) forgive b) not notice or remember or c) never have read those blobs.
So to explain a little about the photos:
The first of these photos is of me and Geoff Roes, the number one hundred miler in the nation, the day a group of us ran the Chilkoot trail. The second is of me and my closet friend here Emily Buck one beautiful spring day when she asked me if I wanted to run to Medivijie lake and go for a swim. Because the lake was frozen the so called "swim" ended up just being a quick dip in a small hole in the ice!
Needless to say running is by far on the top of the list of things I love to do. I enjoy most all things, especially involving the outdoors, but running is still number one. Truely I think it always has been. I have been doing it constantly since age 7, nearly 21 years to the day. In elementary school I did it because my parents signed me up for it after I quit gymnastics on the notion that I could sign up for YMCA track. In junior high and high school I did it because I was good at it. In college I did it because it was what I knew. Post college I ran to debrief work, plus I typically had something on the race calendar. Now I do it for all of those reasons, well that and the numerous beautiful trails which engulf my home.
Just this past week I bumped into my neighbor who asked me how long I wnet out each day. I didn't have an answer. I just go. Somedays that means putting along feeling as if I am barely moving, other days I run an out and back checking my watch trying to outrun the day before. On pretty days I take trails that take me up, so I can overlook the ocean and the colors on the water. When it is raining I go deep into the woods to hide under the trees, but always I run.
Lately I've been thinking a lot about Emily who has been unable to run for the past 9 months due to a obscure injury, with only one surgeon in the country who even attempts the surgery. I miss heading out on the trails with her as we share life and laughter as we twist along the trail. However I know she misses it much more, like an old friend. I wish I had the right words to share to ease the hurt from that missing piece in her life, sometimes I feel as if I am the only person that truly understands the size of her loss and because of it I am reminded of the fragileness of a life which comes no guarantees.
Knowing and trying to understand her suffering brings me closer to my humainity and makes me long for heaven, a place where we will never have to suffer anymore. A place we will feast with our King, and a place where if we want we will always have beautiful trails to go running on with our friends.