Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Totem Pole

A Legend of Long Ago
(but Not Far Away)

Once there stood a totem atop Verstovia, but just for a short while (the totem can be found on the bottom pic). It told a story of Orca who was feeding in the Sitka sound when Squirrel saw the fin and thought the Orca might want to give her a ride, so she dropped her nuts, salty almonds, that she happened to be nibbling on and jumped in after Orca. Crazy Llama, not the brightest and never wanting to miss an opportunity for adventurizing, thought that he too might enjoy a nice dip and jumped in after Squirrel and Orca. Thankfully strong muscular, will be able to do 8 pull ups eventually, Eagle seized Llama and Squirrel just before Orca, who is always ravenous, noticed them and made them his dinner. She swooped down with her great strength, picked them up in her beak, and dropped them atop Verstovia, out of harms way. Llama and Squirrel have sense become good friends and can often be found there frolicking with their new friend, Eagle protector. Sometimes too, when feed enough food and when uninjured, it is a dangerous life being an Orca, Orca will find his way up the mountain for sled rides with his now buddy Squirrel (top pic).

1 comment:

Rachel C. said...

Your faces are priceless.
LOVE it.