Yesterday I was is in my favorite place in the world kayaking, watching Orca pods pass, okay so no Orca pods, but I saw a bunch of sea stars, mussels, anemones, and beds of coral which is almost as exciting. Today I am in Anchorage inhaling car exhaust, again lies, no car exhaust but it is WEIRD being in Anywhere City, USA. Although I went to a fabulous glacier and drove on one of the most beautiful roads I have ever experienced. Tomorrow I head for remote rural Alaska, Unalakleet, my first bush community for 2 weeks of summer camp.
Goodbye cell phones and high speed internet access,
hello rivers, bushes, bugs, and camp fires...
Good bye Sitka and the warm weather warning (it may hit 70 and the news is issuing a heat warning for all Sitka area residents)
Hello native kids,
hello being a minority for the first time since my junior high basketball days.