Thursday, November 13, 2008

Meet the Parents

So there was a scare for awhile, I might have to stay in Alaska for the holidays, heaven forbid. However, that just recently changed. Mom, dad, joseph, harry, and fuzzy, break out the champagne (okay red wine, not really into champagne) and rest easy, I'll be home soon.


The Sooz said...

And I'll break out the.... root beer. Since I may see you when you're home.

Anonymous said...

Oh, I always thought Harry was 'Hairy,' which made the Hairy/Fuzzy combination pretty funny in my mind. Somewhat disappointing really, but glad to hear you get to go home for the holidays!

Marty Ross said...

Hi Em: Thanks for your nice comment on my blog. You are welcome any time. I will post a link to the H.C. Andersen story (in English!) in case you do not have your "Complete Fairy Tales" with you.

I believe Photo Booth has transformed the portrait, and these are lovely pictures of your parents, I am sure they treasure this celebrity and of course they are looking forward to seeing you at xmas. Now Santa knows where to send the presents. Yr lovin' aunt M.